All the world's a stage

ofxAudioUnit + ofxParticleEmitter -> AmplitudeTrigger and ParameterChanger

Background Video and Code


OpenFramework is a rather interesting open source toolkit for creative coding, basing on C++. I chose two ofxAddons: ofxAudioUnit and ofxParticleEmitter to create openFramework projects because it’s always a great idea for me to make audio interaction applications.

I made an attempt to use these two addons, created ParameterChanger combining the examples from these two addons. As the mouse moves, the parameters of music will change, more specifically, the x axis will affect the playback rate, and the y axis will affect the cutoff frequency. Furthermore, position of particle will also be affected by mouse position.


After the initial attempt, I try to use environment sound to interact with particle emitter.


Video and Code

These are the video links for AmplitudeTrigger and ParameterChanger.

And here are my github repos. AmplitudeTrigger && ParameterChanger.